If you spend a lot of nights at hotels, it pays to think about which credit card you use. Hotel rewards credit cards provide an opportunity to earn free hotel stays in locations around the world. Some of the top hotel chains and resort facilities now offer these flexible credit cards.
How Hotel Rewards Credit Cards WorkIt’s pretty simple. Use them for any type of purchase and earn credit to later spend on your hotel stays. Some cards also offer higher points for categories including restaurants, supermarkets, and gas stations.
Once you earn the points, they can be redeemed for free rooms, room upgrades, flights, rental cars, gift cards, merchandise, and even special events. This is a great way to earn discounts for your travel needs.
BenefitsThe main advantage of hotel credit cards is that they let you earn hotel rewards points for each dollar you spend.
Other advantages of hotel credit cards include:
When comparing hotel rewards credit cards, consumers need to consider their specific needs. There are plenty of benefits that come with carrying a hotel credit card, but there are a few notable drawbacks. For starters, some of these credit cards only provide rewards when you book at specific hotel chains, while others only allow you to redeem rewards when you book your stay at those same chains.
In addition to this, hotel credit cards come with some other downsides:
When comparing hotel rewards credit cards, consumers need to consider their specific needs. Hotel credit cards work best for people who are 100% certain that they can use them.
If you’re looking for more flexibility when it comes to your travel plans, consider a travel rewards card that, yes, offers rewards you can redeem for hotel stays, but also allows you to redeem rewards for flights, car rentals, cruises, tours, and more. That flexibility could make your trip even more rewarding.